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I’ve realized recently that I’m growing up…or maybe it’s my kids that are doing that!  I’ve entered a new phase of life.  I am done with the pregnancy, breastfeeding, sleepless nights with little ones stage.  I no longer have toddlers and all my children are potty trained.  I don’t even have preschoolers!  For several years all my time and energy was focused on taking care of little ones.  Now, I am in the teenage to school age time of my life.

All ages have rewards and challenges…someone once told me that the baby to little kid stage is physically exhausting and the big kid stage is mentally exhausting.  I have to say…there is a lot of truth to that.

Being a mom is the best job in the world…but as with most rewarding experiences, it is not always easy!

I always tell my kids “You can do anything you want…but not everything!”  Now, in my current stage…I find myself giving myself the same advice!  It’s an exciting time of my life.  I’m not the same person I was in my 20s…but I still have some of the same interests (thanks to my kids, I probably have more!)

I’m not sure that it’s possible to get everyone to look at the camera and smile at the same time!

The Best Things About Having Teenage to School Age Kids


  • Built in babysitters!  (Don’t worry, I don’t abuse the wonderful situation I find myself in!)  It has been so much easier to go out with my husband now that I have kids old enough to watch the younger ones.  It is pretty funny to see them try to get us out of the house together…just so they can watch tv!
  • Exercising is entertaining and motivating.  I still have the pleasure of my little guys trying to exercise with me…but sometimes I also get my big girls working out by my side.
  • Its fun to enjoy movies together…it’s not all about Disney cartoons (although there is still some of that!)  We got “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” for Christmas…and it was a movie that everyone could enjoy together.  It was exciting enough for the adults and older kids yet tame enough for the younger ones.  It has also been fun to have discussions with my older girls about how Captain America is the best superhero ever!
  • It’s fun to play games together…sometimes the 2 youngest ones have to be on someone’s team because either the game is too old for them or because the game accommodates fewer players.
  • I’m still getting used to having another driver around…but it has been nice.  One evening I had a conflict between going to a women’s meeting at church or taking my son to basketball practice.  I ended up getting dropped off at the church for my meeting while my daughter drove my son to practice!  Everyone was happy!
  • My dishwasher can be completely emptied by even my 5 year old (although usually not without a little encouragement!)…and my big kids can load it (although that doesn’t happen very often!)
  • I could have a delicious meal made for me (payoff after many messy moments in the kitchen with my kiddos!) while cuddling up on the couch and reading a book to my little guys.
  • I can take a long shower and take my time getting ready for the day without worrying too much about what is going on in the rest of the house.  (Although there I times I hear screaming and I have to poke my head out to make sure everything is ok!)
  • All those years of piano lessons are paying off!  I love being able to listen to my girls play the piano…they are good!  Yet, it is still fun for me to hear my beginners play those songs I remember from the beginner books.
  • I still get to do the fun stuff (like making volcanoes out of baking soda and vinegar) with some kids while enjoying more grown up topics (like politics) with others.
  • I get to play Legos with my boys…and talk about hair, clothes, and jewelry with my girls.
  • I get to talk about books, plots, characters, etc. with my girls while still having the adventure of teaching my youngest to read.


What stage of motherhood are you in?  And…why is it the best?  I believe that every stage is the best!

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