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Hey there, fabulous midlife ladies! Life in the middle is a unique and exciting journey, isn’t it? You’ve weathered the storm of your younger years, and now, you’re standing at the intersection of experience and possibility. It’s a place where dreams, wisdom, and aspirations come together in a beautifully complex mix. But amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, have you ever thought about creating a mission statement just for you?

Something that captures your essence, your values, and your vision for the future? Well, you’re in the right place! Let’s dive into the world of mission statements, why they matter, and how you can craft one that resonates with your midlife journey – all in a casual, down-to-earth style that’s as relatable as chatting with your best friend.

So, grab a comfy seat, your favorite beverage, and let’s embark on this mission together!

You can get your own copy of “Discovering Your Mission: A Workbook for Midlife Women!” by signing up for my newsletter.

Midlife is a period of growth and self-reflection, often marked by challenges and opportunities. It’s a time when the roles we once embraced may change, and the priorities that once guided us may shift. As midlife women, we have accumulated experiences and wisdom that make this a truly remarkable chapter in our lives.

Creating a clear and compelling mission statement becomes compass for the next part of our journey. It empowers us to make intentional choices that align with our true selves and the impact we wish to create in the world.

Unleashing the Power of Your Purpose

In this workbook, we embark on an exploration of your unique gifts and passions. We’ll delve into the essence of who you are, acknowledging the significance of your life experiences, and using them as building blocks for a purposeful future.

Crafting Your Mission Statement

In this workbook, you will find thought-provoking questions, insightful reflections, and practical tools to support you in honing your vision. You will create statements for different areas of your life that capture your aspirations, values, and the legacy you want to leave behind.

Embracing Transformation and Growth

Developing a mission statement is about embracing transformation and growth. Midlife is an opportunity to shed self-limiting beliefs, embrace new possibilities, and embark on a path of purpose-driven living. My hope is that this journey will empower you to unleash your full potential and to approach life with newfound enthusiasm.

A Gift to Yourself and Others

Investing time and energy in this workbook is a gift to yourself and others. As you craft your mission statements, you’ll cultivate a sense of fulfillment and contentment. By embracing your purpose, you become an inspiration and role model for those around you, encouraging them to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery.

Are you ready to embark on this empowering voyage of self-discovery? Get your copy of “Discovering Your Mission: A Workbook for Midlife Women” and unlock the potential that lies within you!

Remember… it’s never too late to embrace your purpose and make a meaningful impact in the world.

mission statement, midlife mission, finding purpose

Follow these guidelines to create a meaningful mission statement:

Step 1: Reflect and Answer the Questions

Take the time to answer each question honestly and thoughtfully. You can write down your responses in a journal or use the pages in the workbook. This process is about gaining clarity and understanding your values, passions, and aspirations.

Step 2: Identify Common Themes

Review your answers and look for recurring themes or common elements. Pay attention to the values, passions, and interests that stand out to you the most.

Step 3: Define Your Purpose

Based on the common themes you’ve identified, begin to distill your purpose. Ask yourself: What is the overarching mission or objective that brings together these elements? What impact do I want to create in the world, in my community, or in the lives of others?

Step 4: Be Specific and Inspirational

Craft your mission statements with clarity and inspiration. Use concise language to communicate your purpose and the value you intend to bring. Make sure it reflects your values, passions, and the positive impact you want to make.

Step 5: Make it Actionable

Ensure that your mission statement is actionable. It should convey a sense of purposeful direction and serve as a guide for decision-making and goal-setting.

Step 6: Review and Refine

Take time to review your mission statement. Share it with trusted friends or family members and seek their feedback. Revise and refine as needed to make it as powerful and authentic as possible.

Step 7: Make it Personal

Use your unique voice and personal experiences to make your mission statement truly yours. Your mission should reflect your identity and individual journey.

Step 8: Inspire Yourself

Craft a mission statement that inspires you every time you read it. It should be a source of motivation and empowerment as you work towards fulfilling your purpose.

Step 9: Display and Embrace

Once you’ve finalized your mission statement, display it somewhere visible – on your desk, as your screensaver, or in your journal. Embrace it as a daily reminder of your purpose and let it guide your actions and decisions.

Remember, creating a mission statement is an ongoing process. As you grow and evolve, your mission might evolve too. Embrace change, stay true to your values, and let your mission help you navigate the journey of life with purpose and passion.

Questions to ask to develop a mission statement

Developing a mission statement involves thoughtful reflection. Here are some questions to guide you through the process:

  1. What are my priorities and values? Identify the fundamental principles and beliefs that guide your life and decision-making. Consider what truly matters to you and what you stand for.
  2. What are my passions and interests? Reflect on the activities, causes, or subjects that ignite a sense of excitement and fulfillment within you. Explore what you love to do and why it brings you joy.
  3. What are my unique strengths and talents? Recognize the skills and abilities that set you apart. Think about how you can leverage these strengths to create a positive impact.
  4. What do I want to be remembered for? Envision the legacy you wish to leave behind. Reflect on the type of impact you want to have on your family, community, or the world.
  5. What brings me a sense of purpose and fulfillment? Consider the activities or moments when you feel most alive and purposeful. Identify how you can incorporate more of these experiences into your life.
  6. What problems or issues do I feel passionate about solving? Explore the causes or societal challenges that resonate with you deeply. Consider how you can contribute to making a positive change in these areas.
  7. Who do I want to serve or support? Reflect on the specific individuals, groups, or communities you want to help or make a difference for. Consider their needs and how you can address them.
  8. What is my vision for the future? Envision your ideal life or the world you wish to create. Imagine how you want things to be different and what role you can play in making that vision a reality.
  9. What motivates and inspires me? Identify the sources of inspiration in your life, whether it’s people, books, experiences, or achievements. Reflect on how these sources can guide your mission.
  10. What are my short-term and long-term goals? Define the milestones you want to achieve in the near future and further down the road. Consider how your mission can align with these objectives.
  11. What fears or self-doubts might hold me back? Acknowledge any barriers that could impede your progress. Reflect on how you can overcome these challenges and build resilience.
  12. What does success mean to me? Define what success looks like on your terms. Consider how your mission aligns with your vision of a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Developing a mission statement is a process, and it’s okay to take your time with these questions. Allow yourself space for contemplation, and be open to refining your mission as you gain more clarity and insights.

Mission Statement Examples

Creating empowering mission statements for different areas of your life involves reflecting on your values and goals in each domain. Here are some ideas to guide you in crafting mission statements for the mentioned areas:


“To cultivate a deep and meaningful spiritual connection, embracing mindfulness, compassion, and gratitude. I will seek inner peace, foster personal growth, and contribute positively to the well-being of others.”


“To prioritize my physical health and well-being by engaging in regular exercise, nourishing my body with wholesome foods, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. I will honor my body’s capabilities and cherish it as a temple of vitality.”


“To achieve financial security and abundance through responsible money management and wise investments. I will live within my means, seek opportunities for growth, and use my financial freedom to support my dreams and help others in need.”


“To create a warm and harmonious home environment that fosters love, comfort, and creativity. I will maintain a sanctuary where my family feels cherished and inspired, and I’ll take pride in nurturing a space that reflects our values and passions.”


“To explore and embrace my hobbies with passion and curiosity. I will dedicate time for creative expression, learning, and personal growth through my hobbies, allowing them to bring joy and fulfillment into my life.”


“To be a loving and supportive member of my family, cherishing moments of togetherness and fostering open communication. I will prioritize quality time with my loved ones and contribute to creating a strong, united, and joyful family bond.”


“To be a devoted and compassionate wife, nurturing a relationship built on love, respect, and trust. I will actively support my partner’s dreams and aspirations while fostering an atmosphere of mutual growth and appreciation.”

Tips for Empowering Mission Statements:

  • Use positive language that inspires and motivates you.
  • Keep your statements concise and focused on the core values and aspirations.
  • Be authentic and true to yourself. Your mission statements should reflect your genuine desires and beliefs.
  • Write your mission statements in the present tense, as if you are already living by them.
  • Display your mission statements in places where you can see them daily to reinforce their importance in your life.
  • Review and update your mission statements periodically as your priorities and life circumstances change.

Crafting empowering mission statements for each area of your life can provide you with a clear sense of purpose and direction. They act as powerful reminders of what truly matters to you and help guide your actions towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Make it Happen

  • It won’t work unless you print it, answer the questions, create your mission statement, post it where you can see it, and read it often (daily!)
midlife mission statement, personal mission statement, midlife woman, life mission, life purpose, over 50

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